生物学专业的学生有机会与我们的教师一起进行研究.  符合条件的学生, this research often culminates in a senior thesis project which is a requirement for students to graduate with 生物学荣誉.



For my senior thesis I am preforming single-cell experiments of Dictyostelium discoideum’s oxidative stress response to singlet oxygen produced by Rose Bengal and blue light. The goal of my project is to determine the role of the cell-cycle in the heterogeneity of stress response in our system.

I got into this research because of my interest in how oxidative stress affects biological systems as it has implications in cancer and other diseases. 我对肿瘤医学很感兴趣,今年春天将申请医学院.


My honors thesis is called “Testing For Consumptive And Non-Consumptive Effects Of Different-Sized Stoneflies (Acroneuria abnormis) On Prey Communities”. 捕食者通过两种途径影响猎物群落:捕食猎物.e.通过改变猎物的性状(如食性效应).e.(非消耗性影响),如行为. 捕食者的体型大小可能会影响进食效果和非进食效果, 但这些影响很少在掠食者大小之间进行比较. My research used a field experiment to manipulate stonefly (Acroneuria abnormis) size and their ability to feed on prey (via mouthpart gluing) and measured effects on the aquatic insect prey community in the Tankerhoosen River (Vernon, CT).

我从事这项工作是因为我想更多地参与生态学领域. 我们知道地球的现状并不理想, I wanted the research that I was involved in to contribute to a healthier planet in one way or another.


My honors thesis focuses on the consequences of animal personality and how it relates to feeding rate, 活动水平, and body size variation within invertebrate dragonfly nymph individuals under the mentorship of Dr. Toscano.

我一直在博士工作. Toscano’s lab since May of 2021 and in doing so I have been given the amazing opportunity to further my research experience outside of coursework while also having the freedom to design my own experiments, 与我的实验室伙伴合作, 并获得写作和准备自己论文的经验. 另外, doing research at Trinity qualified me to apply and be awarded a research fellowship under the National Science Foundation’s REU program in which I studied the reproductive ultrastructure of hydrothermal vent gastropods at the University of Oregon. I hope to continue researching after I graduate in May and apply the skills I have learned at Trinity to new and diverse scientific disciplines in my career!


Proper development is contingent on a complex array of cellular signaling systems acting in unison. The Notch signaling system is implicated in essential developmental processes such as neurogenesis, 翼形成, 以及胚胎极性的建立. Notch是一种膜结合受体,以近程方式介导信号传导, 与邻近的膜结合配体结合的. 在我的研究中, I am examining the molecular mechanisms behind the hyperactivation of Notch displayed by Abruptex alleles.

I got involved in research during my junior year after taking many courses covering cellular signaling and genetics. These classes were very formative and sparked my interest in the genetic techniques that can be utilized to dissect complex pathways.


我的研究重点是溶酶体贮积病, 以及基因靶向疗法如何改变可治疗的疾病. I am conducting library research and doing database searches on the biology of lysosomal storage diseases, 新生儿筛查, and gene-targeted therapies for three selected diseases that can be reliably detected by genetic sequencing. 我关注的三种疾病是克拉伯病、戈谢病和法布里病. Early detection of the pathogenic variants for each disease enables better health outcomes and shorter diagnostic odysseys.

2020年夏天, I conducted research on gene-targeted therapies for the repair of the nervous system through a lab at the University of Minnesota Medical School. 2021年春天,他在全球十大网赌正规平台完成了一门遗传学课程, 我开始在波士顿一家名为Genomes2People的临床遗传学实验室进行研究. 我参与的一个主要项目是研究行为, 经济, 以及新生儿基因测序的医学影响. 通过这项研究, my interest in genetics spiked and I was able to find a set of disorders that allows me to combine my interest in genetics with cell biology. 我计划在2023年春季从全球十大网赌正规平台毕业后继续攻读医学院.


我叫Olivia Pomerleau,是生物系的论文学生. I am currently studying the relationship between the skin microbiome and atopic dermatitis, 也被称为湿疹. More specifically, I am looking at the treatment options for adult-onset atopic dermatitis. I am hypothesizing that adult-onset atopic dermatitis is more of a microbiome dysbiosis issue.

I chose this area of research because my aunt recently was diagnosed with eczema and never had it as a child. 我也有兴趣去医学院,希望攻读皮肤科. Combining all of this with my interest in microbiology, I found the perfect topic to study. 目前,我也是新英格兰Trinity Health的一名EMT. 我发现急诊医学与研究皮肤病有很大的不同.


While looking at molecular data to form a phylogeny is the most concrete way of identifying how species are related to one another, morphological data can provide evidence both for species circumscription as well as the evolution of functional traits. 结果是, it is important to be able to combine molecular and morphological evidence in identifying a species.

在我的研究中 I am looking at spore perine morphology as a possible new character to be used in the identification of species within the fern genus, Polystichum. Fern spores have an outer layer called the perispore that has different ornamental structures like ridges and perforations that are known to vary interspecifically. I am scoring perine characteristics using SEM (scanning electron microscopy) image and mapping these characters onto a molecular phylogeny of Polystichum in order to reconstruct evolutionary history.

I got into this research due to my interest in plant biology that I gained through taking Plants of New England (BIOL 218), 植物学(BIOL 215), 植物结构与进化(BIOL 223). 帕特尔教授是我这个项目的论文指导老师.